by darcy knapp | Aug 10, 2016
Lateral Launch Televising 1Lateral Launch Televising is a tool to assess the private services condition that are hooked to their sanitary sewer systems that if older often times leak ground water that then flows into the sanitary sewer system which causes the city and...
by darcy knapp | Dec 31, 2013
Sewer pipes from buildings can be connected to the main sewer by cutting a hole in the main line and then inserting a pipe. If the drain pipe is put too far into the sewer main, it won’t have the necessary clearance to drain properly. when this happens it is...
by darcy knapp | Dec 23, 2013
Storm drain systems are designed to drain excess rain and ground water from paved streets, parking lots, and sidewalks. Storm drains vary in design from small residential dry wells to large municipal systems. They are fed by gutters on most streets and highways, as...
by darcy knapp | Dec 21, 2013
With jet flushing, debris from sanitary lines is collected and flushed back to the manhole for retrieval by vacuum loading or screening. A typical flushing operation involves jetting a nozzle through the entire length of the line and flushing material back to the...
by darcy knapp | Dec 21, 2013
Municipalities around the world are responsible for maintaining a clean and sanitary environment which is suitable for humans to live and work. A part of this responsibility is providing an effective system to remove both waste water and storm water and transport both...