Lateral Launch Televising 1Lateral Launch Televising is a tool to assess the private services condition that are hooked to their sanitary sewer systems that if older often times leak ground water that then flows into the sanitary sewer system which causes the city and their waste water treatment plant to treat clean ground water that has been contaminated by leaking into the sewer system. This costs money to treat and also overburdens waste water treatment plants especially during rainy seasons. The EPA has been making a big push throughout the United States for Municipalities to reduce the amount of ground water that leaks into municipal sewer systems. The technical term for this ground water leaking into the sewer system is referred to āI&Iā Infiltration and Inflow.
LAMP II in PVC pipe for the utility company side, utility services such as natural gas has been increasingly installed using trench-less boring methods. Due to this new method a side effect to the boring is that sometimes when boring new natural gas lines in they bore thru the sanitary sewer services. The danger has been that when people go to clean their sanitary sewer service from either the new bored line collapsing and blocking their sewer or from natural causes such as penetrating roots, the cleaning equipment has hit the penetrating gas line and in some cases caused an explosion. Due to this concern boring companies and utility companies have sought out this lateral launch service to reduce the potential risk to see if line has been penetrated after a recent boring job.